Friday, November 7, 2008

the spirit of giving and recieving

i've always thought of myself as a routine kind of person. someone who do the same things over and over again. afraid to take risks, to make mistakes. i guess it's because of the fact that i don't or can't let things go too easily, especially when i'm too used to it. not that i'm clingy or anything, but i consider things that i have seen, met, have, as destiny.
chirstmas gifts for example. my ninongs and ninangs could give me anything for christmas but if, let's say, they gave me a bracelet; they must have thought that "Oh, gen would absolutely love these" and buy me the present, but for me it's not just that. there must be something more to it.
the simple riddle that they would choose that gift, choose that kind of bracelet out of other gifts and form of bracelet; is magical. for me it's seems as if the cosmos might have wanted me to have it and so they gave it to me.
yes, i know, certainly with that belief one would find that letting go is difficult for me. well, not exactly. the belief goes vice versa. Losing something would mean that i'm not suppose to have it for a long time; personally i'd like to think that someone else needs it more than i do.
afterall, generosity is in my nature ("gen"=generous hahaha); so what the heck.
so for those whom would recieve christmas gifts from me, you are most absolutely welcome; and for those are to give me gifts this christmas "thank you, i will most definitely treasure your gifts for as long as the cosmos would allow it" :)

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